We think the beginning of our winter hibernation is the perfect time to look back on a great year.
The very first season of Parque West is over. Our doors are temporarily closing and in March 2024 we welcome you back! We think the beginning of our winter hibernation is the perfect time to look back on a fantastic year.
Ready to go.... off!
The first pile will be driven into the ground by 3 generations together on Friday, December 2. Construction is about to start! With great enthusiasm people are working hard on the adventure climbing park.
Some 3 months later, pan beer is celebrated: the roof is going off- er, on! It's a literal and figurative highlight: the 25-meter-high climbing roof will be installed on March 10. And the opening. It is getting closer and closer.
Eyes closed, and them.
May 27 is the day: the park opens to the pioneers who dare the challenge. They laughingly defy all the obstacles and enthusiastically jump down the free fall. The park is approved.
The official opening is on June 1, after which 500 adventurous visitors will be welcomed on the Whitsun weekend. We couldn't have hoped for a better opening!
Shimmering summer
Despite the rain, it's a very busy summer! There are plenty of enthusiastic adventurers willing to clamber across the trail together, even in cloudy misfortune. Lasting memories are made, weather or no weather, ziplining.
On July 31, the hospitality industry opens its doors. On glorious days, people will be eating and drinking beer on the terrace; on rainy days, people will enjoy their hot chocolate with whipped cream inside, cozy on the couch. But, always with a view of their climbing friends and family.
Night Climbing
A cool idea arises: what if you could also climb at night? During fall break, people also get into the ropes in the dark. Well, dark... With atmospheric lighting, climbing is made slightly easier. ;)
Closing season
On Nov. 5, we will close the park after a vibrant season. Watch the adventure trailer here. We are already looking forward to next year! You too?
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